The Multiple Sclerosis rollercoaster brings fatigue and poor mobility

It has been several months since I have written a post. I want to write more, but this horrible disease has pushed me into a corner. Fatigue has reared its...

2021 Patient Advocacy & Me, what an amazing year

2021 Patient Advocacy & Me What an amazing year 2021 has been an eventful year. The COVID pandemic is still around and it has changed so many lives, for good...

More pain and fatigue, because I did not pace myself

Pacing is very important when you live with MS. Over the last week my illnesses punished me with more pain and fatigue, because I forgot this rule.

Fatigue: 3 tips to overcome guilt (with a bonus tip too)

Fatigue is difficult. It is a common symptom of MS, an invisible beast which has two ways of attacking. Sometimes it ambushes you suddenly, with no warning, or it gently...