More than 50% of people living with Multiple Sclerosis will have some cognitive problems in their life. Because I live with chronic pain, Persistent Post Traumatic Headaches, and fatigue, I...
When you have a down day, or even several down days, it can seem difficult to pull yourself out of the negativity. As I am not a doctor, or a...
Fatigue is difficult. It is a common symptom of MS, an invisible beast which has two ways of attacking. Sometimes it ambushes you suddenly, with no warning, or it gently...
In this post I reflect on 2019 and the obstacles I faced, how I dealt with these, and what I learned in the process. Now, more resilient, I look forward to the New Year!!
People living with disabilities often feel inferior and are not treated fairly in the workplace. If you have decided that you would go out on your own instead, however, there...
Living With Long-Term Health Issues There are many kinds of long-term chronic health issues which can arise for anyone, and if you are in such a position then it can...