Thank you Dizzy for asking me to do this challenge!! There are a few quotes which I will share with you. You can see my first quote here, and my second...
Travel can be difficult when you have a chronic illness. Needing to plan and prepare for the obstacles that are common for your illness. This is how I live within...
Mindset Living with a chronic illness means looking at life in a different way, altering your mindset is one of the changes that have to happen. These are the four...
Transition - Living with chronic illness Life is a series of changes - transition. Some are unexpected, and other you know will happen. I now have to finish the work...
Living with chronic illness - 5 tips for newly diagnosed Being diagnosed with a chronic illness, like multiple sclerosis, can be devastating. In this post I let you know my...
An unexpected companion In every journey, you will encounter many things. Some are exciting, frightening, or even amusing. These interludes in our travels make our lives interesting. How we choose...