I am sitting in my car waiting for my partner to finish the weekly shop, wondering how I can start this blog post. 2020 has been a hard year for...
My first experience of participating in research was over 15 years ago when I tried to get a trial started on a medication I was using to treat my Multiple...
Image Credit Caring for a sick person can be stressful, and it can get worse if the person lives with a disability. This is because the disability presents a whole...
Patient advocacy has many rewards, helping a community and better research are just two. It comes with a cost, and I wonder, is it worth it?
Pic Source - CCO Licence While it is not something that you would wish upon anyone, in fact there are plenty of people with disabilities who do end up living...
Your eyesight is one of the most important things that you need to pay attention to. If you are keen to look after your body in general, then overlooking the...