Tears caused by my changing abilities have caused me to reflect on what is happening now. How will I adjust to these losses? Tears Tears. Driving home on Thursday I...
Pain woke me up Pain is a part of living with chronic illness. When a new pain is felt it is easy to fall into a feeling of despair. This...
What limits us Chronic illness limits what you can do, often dramatically. In this post I share how I have learned to look at limits in a different way. Limits...
Transition - Living with chronic illness Life is a series of changes - transition. Some are unexpected, and other you know will happen. I now have to finish the work...
Living with chronic illness - 5 tips for newly diagnosed Being diagnosed with a chronic illness, like multiple sclerosis, can be devastating. In this post I let you know my...
Waking with a headache Not a 6/10. Some days I wake up with a headache that is worse than I usually have. Tuesday was one of these days, and I...