Opportunity When someone dies that is close to you, you inevitably reflect on your own mortality. It is one of those truism’s that we cannot escape. It can also be...
Am I fooling myself? I am serious. What is the point in trying to develop my skills? I am disabled. It is so easy to take the route of giving...
Living with Chronic Illness - Storm in my head [caption id="attachment_106" align="aligncenter" width="200"] How to prepare for changes in your illness[/caption] Ophelia passed through Ireland on Monday, and we were...
How can I be happy? [embed]https://youtu.be/NVabwrMYWfI[/embed] How can I be happy, I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Sarcoidosis, and chronic headaches. Pain is a constant in my life. In fact, after...
Anxiety Anxiety can impact your life in many different ways. For me, it usually comes with a knot in my stomach, that just never disappears. In this brief video clip,...
Ranking I was very excited to see that my blog has been ranked number 37 for MS blogs. Thank you everyone for making this happen.