Living with a disability is often a frustrating experience, especially if your disability makes your lifestyle far more sedentary than you’d ideally like it to be. While your able bodied...
People living with disabilities often feel inferior and are not treated fairly in the workplace. If you have decided that you would go out on your own instead, however, there...
Living with a disability, any disability can be an extremely lonely and isolating experience. Everyone around you desperately wants to understand. Everyone around you wants you to know that they’re...
Isolation is what I felt last week. I was writing in my journal after finishing my meditation and a wave of sadness enveloped me. I wrote it down. ISOLATION. Since...
Preserving energy when you have a chronic illness For those of us with a chronic illness, even the most basic of tasks such as showering, cooking, and cleaning is exhausting...
Electric Cars - The future for disabled drivers? Mobility for people with disabilities is a problem. Public transit still has problems with accessibility. It has improved over the years, but...