Happy New Year

If you follow me on Twitter (@A30MinuteLife) you will know that I have had difficulty in writing this New Year post. 4 days ago I sat down at my laptop thinking that I would write something about 2017, its ups and downs. As those of you with Chronic Illnesses know we often make plans to do something and our diseases decide that they want to be the main decider of what will happen in our day, not us.
This is what has happened to me over the last 4 days. I would sit down, again, and again, and my headache would assert itself, and stop me from being creative. Over the years I have learned not to try to win a battle with this beast, as I will surely lose. It is better to withdraw, and wait until the beast is sleeping.
Today is a good day, and I can write, and even though the monster in my head is snoring, it is not awake.

Thank you to all those people on my Twitter feed that have liked my post, and written supportive messages. I would especially like to mention Gina Sutton (@KlskTrvlr) for her post.
New Year Twitter 2017
New Year Twitter 2017

My Blog

Five months ago I started writing this blog, hoping that my experiences of how I live with my illnesses could help others that also have a chronic condition. Over this period I have interacted on my blog, Facebook, Twitter and on video with many people, all with various challenges in their lives. This one Tweet has crystallised all the positive words and messages that I have received at this time.
Thank you to everyone that has been a part of ‘A 30 Minute Life’.
I never expected that someone living on the furthest edge of the westernmost island of Europe, by writing a blog about my experiences, could help anyone. 2017 has been a mixed year for me. This blog has been a highlight, and I have also resolved a few personal issues, which have taken a burden off my shoulders.
These positives have been tempered by the worsening of my MS and the impact of my MS and headaches on my ability to work. This has been a challenge for me, and I have, I think, been able to find a new direction in life that has a different focus. By finding a different way of putting purpose in my life I have removed a source of negativity that could push me into a negative tailspin. Thankfully 2017 has been a big step forward.

Thank You

Thank you to Heather (https://dinosaursdonkeysandms.com) for allowing me to be a contributor in her Dizzycasts, and to Jen (https://trippingthroughtreacle.com) for nominating me for a Liebster Award.
There are several people that contribute to my life, they accept and tolerate my various bad moods and restrictions that arise from how I cope with my headaches and MS. My partner, deserves a Gold Medal, as she is always at my side and often she is the undeserving focus of these negative emotions, I love her very much.
Also, my family has been a huge support over the year, they offer that constructive critique that only family can give, I need that in my life. It is true that I am not always right, and I need to be pushed back onto the correct path.
Now I am really looking forward to 2018, and all that it will bring. This blog will be a major part of this, I am sure of that.
Happy New Year Everyone!!
Merry Christmas Previous post Christmas and chronic illness
dizzythedonkey-ms-blog Next post DizzyCast Episode 2

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year!!

  1. I see we have some blogs in common. 🙂 Looking forward to reading more. Have a great day and Happy New Year!


    1. Hi Shannon,
      Yes we do. I did read your return to blogging post, and cannot wait to read more. Plus, I will have to try some of your recipes. They look very tasty.

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