This morning I received a message from a friend of mine, who happens to be a disabled driver too, to let me know about the Disability Toll Exemption Scheme for...
Pic Source - CCO Licence While it is not something that you would wish upon anyone, in fact there are plenty of people with disabilities who do end up living...
In the last few days the government of Ireland announced its goals in tackling Climate Change. They ranged from the use of plastics to home insulation, all to reduce the...
Little Things That Can Help Living with a Disability This is a collaborative post. Disabled people often find themselves in places that are not suitable for them. This means that...
Minimising a Disability’s Impact On Your General Life A disability will inevitably have some sort of effect on your life in general. It will make completing certain day to day...
People living with disabilities often feel inferior and are not treated fairly in the workplace. If you have decided that you would go out on your own instead, however, there...