It was a warm day yesterday, and I had the chance to sit outside and read. The feel of the sun is fantastic, and I always welcome its feel. Somehow it renews me. The heat is like a charger and it can bring me from nearly depleted to half full. Not bad for an hour outside. My home is close to the main road in Connemara and sitting on my deck chair during the confinement was a pleasure. Hearing the birds signing in the trees was such a joy. Waves of perfect music.
The world is changing
Yesterday I couldn’t hear the birds any more. The passing traffic, trucks, buses and tractors were everywhere. Close by, an excavator was clearing a garden. The sounds were no longer soothing, but harsh and abrasive. What should have been a pleasure, disappeared. I had to get my noise cancelling headphones to block out the noise. My ability to block out these noises is gone. It had disappeared years ago. During the Confinement recommended by our government we had returned to a quiet place, like it was perhaps two generations in the past.
The noise is back because our country is opening up again. People are leaving their homes to return to work again. This is great for our economy, and I hope it recovers well. It will depend on the creativity and resilience of our new government. Will they put in place the right measures to kick start Ireland? Time will tell.
One consequence of this opening up is the hotels in Connemara are opening, and they need customers. Where I live is a desirable place to travel for the Irish. lakes, beaches and mountains attract distinct types of people. Our town is busy. Much busier as the noise on the road shows.
During the Confinement we were insulated from the drama in the cities, and the virus had very few ways of getting to where I live, but now it can get here much easier. I hear voices from all around the country and they could bring the virus here. This is happening in all the tourist destinations around the country. Because they do not recommend foreign holidays, staycations are the best alternative.
What is happening for me?
What is the implication for me? As someone with several chronic illnesses, or comorbidities (I really don’t like this word, it sounds fatal). All these strangers are potential carriers of the virus and I, and my partner, need to be much more aware of who is close to us. The anxiety levels in my home are escalating, not decreasing. How can I manage this? It is so difficult.
In an ideal world, they should test everyone who travels here for the virus before they arrive. This would reduce the amount of it here, but as a solution it would never take off. How could this be managed is beyond me? The next best is for everyone to wear masks, practise proper hygiene, hand washing and cough etiquette. Looking around the town I see very few masks worn, and especially children and young people. The risk is expanding with every visitor.
The real confinement starts now
The shops, pubs and restaurants are open, but for me they are still closed, firmly closed. Where I used to walk it was quiet, with very few people, maybe one or two, now is noisy and busier. Walking outside is now much riskier. With every person, the risk increases. So I must hide. Staying at home is my only option. My confinement has become more extreme.