CDB oil is the most recent wonder drug for helping with MS. Hemp and marijuana are both sources of CBD (cannabidiol). When it is extracted from hemp, it has no THC (this is a chemical responsible for giving the high and is in marijuana). You can learn more here.

As I have both multiple sclerosis (SPMS) and chronic pain, it is something I have wanted to use. Some time ago I tried it, and I purchased it from two different sources. Both times it had no impact on the constant pain in the right temple of my head, nor did it speed up my walking, or reduce the pain in my leg. I had written it off and added it to my growing list of useless medicines.

The Trial

6 weeks ago Dr. HempMe contacted me to try their CBD oil for free. With some scepticism I said I would try it and then give a review of the product. An honest review. A bottle of 5% CBD oil arrived in the post and I started with the recommended 2 drops under my tongue, morning and evening.
Nothing. No change and so I increased the dose to 0.5ml, with no change. Then a full dropper. My symptoms were constant.

Those of you who are following me know I am doing physiotherapy with an FES device, swimming 1-2 times a week, and I am following the Autoimmune Protocol Diet. These had already been giving me improvements in my walking, and energy levels. I finished the bottle of oil with no benefit. I contacted the company and let them know the news.

Brian responded to my e-mail, suggesting that I try the 10% CBD oil. In his experience everyone is different, and sometimes it take a while for the medicine to reach a critical level that allows it to work. I was willing to keep trying, and so another bottle of stronger hemp oil arrived in the post.

I took a full dropper, both morning and evening. Within a day my right leg had improved. The stairs wasn’t as difficult. Normal was a word that was creeping in from the depths of my mind. My walking speed and stride length had improved at physiotherapy and on Tuesday, October 30 I did a walk test and my speed had doubled in 4 weeks. Was it the Dr. HempMe Oil? 

The Experiment

So I am continuing everything (physio, diet and swimming), and stopped taking the drops. By keeping everything else the same I hope to see if my symptoms change, and if they do, it would be as a result of not taking the CBD oil. After 3 days my walking had slowed, and the stairs once again felt like climbing Everest. This isn’t scientific, but my conclusion is that the CBD Oil (10%) helped my mobility, significantly.


In my opinion, and I am not a doctor, the oil I tried from Dr. HempMe works for the pain and spasticity in my leg giving me more mobility. These are multiple sclerosis symptoms and they have been getting steadily worse over the last four years. It was fantastic to make a significant improvement.

The samples I received were free on the understanding I would give an honest review.

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