(As we enter the new year, it’s time to think about your resolutions, with goals that will both empower your life, and possibly even empower the lives of others.

As we enter the new year, it’s time to think about your resolutions, with goals that will both empower your life, and possibly even empower the lives of others.

If you’re currently stuck for inspiration, here are some examples that may be relevant to your life.

#1: Be more grateful

It’s easy to think negatively when our disabilities overwhelm us, but there are sure to be things to be thankful for. Consider all of the things you can do, for example, rather than dwelling on the things you can’t do. Be thankful for your health, and for the people you have around you. And pass on those thanks during the year, letting friends, family, and those who have offered you urgent care know that you appreciate what they have done for you. We can forget to do this from time to time, but these are the people who have made your day so many times before, so make the effort to make their day through your appreciation.

#2: Find more friends

If you need more friends in your social life, then look for where you might find them. If you’re part of a particular group, church, or charity, why not pluck up the courage to speak to others. You might also increase your social circle by joining an adaptive sports league, or you might consider extending your education at your local college, and as a consequence of both, you will learn something new this year, and grow your friendship group.

#3: Share your story with somebody else

It’s not easy living with a disability, but you won’t be the only person struggling. If your story could help somebody else, why not let them know how you have overcome certain battles, and inspire them to do the same. You might already have somebody within your reach you can talk to, but there are also online disability groups and forums where your story can reach far and wide. And hey, consider the website you’re reading now. Could you set up your own? Who knows how many people you will help if you do!

#4: Stop saying ‘no’

How many times did you say ‘no’ last year? How many times did you later regret your decision? Possibly because of your disability, or perhaps for other reasons, you might have said ‘no’ to social activities, new experiences, and care that might be designed to help you. We sometimes say ‘no’ because of fear, and we sometimes answer in the negative because of pride. However, if saying ‘yes’ to something will be advantageous to your life, then make the decision to answer in the positive in the weeks and months to come.

#5: Tick off your bucket list

Finally, consider your bucket list. If there are things you have always wanted to do or try, then make this the year that you start fulfilling your dreams. Life is there to be lived, and while you may need to look for workarounds with your disability, you shouldn’t put anything off if they are within the realms of possibility.

So, those were our ideas, but what about you? What are your resolutions for the year ahead? Let us know, as we may want to add some of them to our list!

This is a collaborative post.

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